Incredible Inventor

Personal Wonder
Redd's Tool Belt

Becoming a Nobel Prize-winning inventor

Creative and calm; hardworking, skilful craftsman; Head of Redd's Shipyard
"If you can think it, I can make it!"

Redd is an assertive leader. He leads others with skill and practical action. While he may speak plainly, he has what it takes to get the job done. Whether they’re building a house, a bridge or a boat, all the other red pandas follow Redd’s lead to the end.
He loves solving problems, so he learnt to make all kinds of tools using his imagination and the resources around him. When Redd was little, his father made him a robot out of some branches. "Learn about all the different materials out there and appreciate how nature provides them. That way, you’ll be able to make anything you imagine," his father said.
From that day onwards, with Redd’s Tool Belt, there was nothing Redd could not make. Later, he founded Redd’s Shipyard.
Redd’s Shipyard builds the strongest ships that can sail great distances across the ocean. One of those was the Blue Adventure. During an enormous storm, Redd and his crew were forced to abandon the Blue Adventure and escape on a lifeboat. The ship sailed adrift until it came to an unknown island.